Magic Over Sciences
A story of a man who was a very likable, sensitive, and kind kid and turned to be so overtly fascinated with magic when he grown up. He followed one of a magician master to study more on magic and disappeared for 3 years since then. His mom really missed and worried about him. Is he still alive? Are magic acts considered deceiving acts? Is it a proper profession according to Buddhism?
The 1,000,000-Laywoman Training Project:- On air on Dec 28, 2010
The 1,000,000-Laywoman Mass Training Project will be a special scoop broadcasting on Thai Free TV. Don''t miss!!
If You Do It, I Have To Do It, Too
Aunt Choop was the daughter of one of Luang Pu’s closest friends. She had the opportunity to help with the funeral for Luang Pu’s mother. She had always made desserts and offered the desserts and alms to Luang Pu. As soon as she learnt that Uncle Laum and Aunt La Aw would donate the land for the construction of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni, she promptly announced that, “ If you do it, I have to do it, too.” After Aunt Choop donated the land, she had been looking forward to the completion of the Memorial Hall.
Showing Symptoms
He used to throw a live turtle into a fire, when it crawled out, would throw it back into the fire again many times until it died. Not too long after that he asked for an ordination. Three months later he put on his robe and poured the petrol all over himself and lit the fire.
The Sun of Solomon Islands
He brutally killed some people which he couldn’t remember the exact amount, but he said it was not that many; that was why death sounded normal to him. After killing people, he would be so proud that he was so splendid.
The More Petulant, The More Charming
I always ask myself, “What do I live for?” When I had children, I told myself that I live for my children. Later this question still comes back to me, “What do I live for?” Now that I found Luang Phaw, I know what I live for.
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? And how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s Teachings?
DOU จัดการศึกษาทางไกลเชิงพุทธ ผ่านดาวเทียม
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมกายแคลิฟอร์เนีย หรือ DOU ได้จัดให้มีการเรียนการสอนรูปแบบการศึกษาเชิงพุทธ ผ่านสถานีโทรทัศน์ผ่านดาวเทียมช่อง DMC
รับสมัครนักศึกษา DOU ระดับปริญญาตรีและขยายเวลารับสมัครระดับปริญญาโท
มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมกาย แคลิฟอร์เนีย ได้เปิดรับสมัครนักศึกษาใหม่และขยายเวลารับสมัครนักศึกษาในระดับปริญญาโท
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Not Leaving one's Work Undone (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fourteen :- Not Leaving one's Work Undone.